subsidy for stone crusher. Subsidy Of Stone Crusher 3.0 Subsidy for stone crushing machine in karnataka ms cauvery stone crusher vs the state of karnataka on 26 june jun 26 2013 in terms of subsection 2 of section 3 of the karnataka regulation of stone crushers act 2011 act for short the appliions have to be considered within a period of three months from the date of
2.1: The revised scheme aims at facilitating technology upgradation by providing 15 per cent upfront capital subsidy with effect from the 29 th September, 2005 (12 per cent prior to 29.09.2005) to SSI units, including tiny, khadi, village and coir industrial units (hereinafter referred to as SSI units), on institutional finance availed of by them for induction of well established and improved
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This series of jaw crusher belongs to stone crushing equipment which is widely used in the works of metallurgy, mining, cement, chemistry, refractory and ceramics as well as highway construction and water conservancy.
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