A certain crusher accepts a feed rock having a volume-surface mean diameter of 2 cm and discharges a product of volume-surface mean diameter of 0.5 cm. The power required to crush 10 ton/h is 8 HP. What should be the power consumption if the capacity is increased to 12 ton/h and the volume-surface mean diameter is reduced to 0.4 cm? Use
Power Consumption of Gyratory and Cone Crushers To compute the power consumption of gyratory crushers, knowledge of the ore work index and crusher capacity is necessary. In its simplest form, the power consumption is given by (5.5) P = W i Q F 80 − P 80 F 80 100 P 80 where P = power (kW)
Gyratory and Cone Crusher ScienceDirect. 01/01/2016 Power Consumption of Gyratory and Cone Crushers To compute the power consumption of gyratory crushers, knowledge of the ore work index and crusher capacity is necessary In its simplest form, the power consumption is given by (55) P = W i Q F 80 − P 80 F 80 100 P 80 where P = power (kW) W i = work index (kWh/t) Q = capacity (t/h) F 80 = size
Power Consumption To compute the power consumption of gyratory crushers, knowledge of the ore work index and … how gyratory crusher works – Crusher South Africa how a gyratory crusher works | Crusher Solutions …
Reduction ratio decides the number of stages of crushing required and the type of crushers to be used. Power Consumption. Crushing operation consumes about 1.5 to 2 units of power per ton of limestone crushed. In terms of cement it would be about 2 to 3 units per ton of crushed material. Gyratory Crushers. operate by pressure between a
The differences between them will be analyzed in detail below. Comparison of advantages and disadvantages of jaw crusher and gyratory crusher in primary 23/12/2015· A gyratory crusher consumes less power when idling and will reduce the size of 2X the rock for the same energy utilized by the jaw crusher.
Crushers : Gyratory Crusher Speed of gyratory is 125-425 gyratory per minute. Because some part of the working head is working all the time the discharge from the gyratory is continuous instead of intermittent as jaw crusher. Less maintenance and power requirement is small compared with jaw crusher.
The perfect blend of experience and innovation The SUPERIOR gyratory crushers combine ’s trusted technology with the latest advancements in metallurgy to achieve peak efficiency and high output by offering: Easy maintenance and service Designed for low service requirements and ease of operation, the SUPERIOR primary gyratory will readily fit into any existing or proposed crushing plant
The specific energy consumption at the motor input can be predicted using Bond''s equation: E = 10 × CWi × (P80 – ½
Worn liners change the geometry of the crushing chamber and can result in drifting closed side settings, poor throughput, power consumption and product quality. Automatic setting regulation is often used to compensate for liner wear. The KCM can simulate wear in both gyratory and cone crushers, with or without regulated setting controls.
When compared with jaw crusher, gyratory crusher has the following advantages: 1. Deep crushing cavity, continuous operation, high production capacity, low unit power consumption. It has the same feed port width with the jaw crusher.
gyratory crushers feature a higher crushing ratio and less tendency to become clogged in the feed zone as a result of bridging Jaw gyratory crusher Weights 1) Type Feed opening Mantle diameter (oversized) Speed of eccentric bushing Max. motor power Total weight of crusher Spider 2) Heaviest weight Bottom shell 3) Main shaft 4) Eccentric bushing
The perfect blend of experience and innovation The SUPERIOR gyratory crushers combine ’s trusted technology with the latest advancements in metallurgy to achieve peak efficiency and high output by offering: Easy maintenance and service Designed for low service requirements and ease of operation, the SUPERIOR primary gyratory will readily fit into any existing or proposed crushing plant
We have met this need with the digitally-enabled TSUV Mark 5 Top Service Gyratory Crusher, the world’s most OPEX and CAPEX-efficient gyratory crusher. In this presentation from MINExpo 2021, Josh Garrett, Product Manager for Crushing, explains how all TS Gyratory Crushers are built for strength, durability and the ability to adapt to the
• Gyratory crusher operated continuously • high crushing capacity compared Jaw crusher (600-6000 tons / hr) • More than Jaw crusher selected if the capacity is more than 900 tons / hr • Easy to operate • Power consumption is lower than the Jaw crusher • Power requirements are affected: bait size, hardness ore, the amount of material
Therefore, the crushing process of iron ore by a gyratory crusher is taken as the specific analysis object, in this paper, and the DEM simulation method is used to analyse the performances of the crushing chamber (productivity, discharge granularity, maximum crushing force, and power consumption), and the influence of the shape for the concave
With a production rate and flow that are equal, the power consumed by a gyratory crusher is similar to a jaw crusher. Cone crusher It functions according to the same kinetic principles as a gyratory crusher , but instead of being suspended, the nut is supported at its base.
The objective of this research was to develop a mathematical model for gyratory crushers to help in the prediction of energy consumption and to analyze dominant parameters that affect this energy consumption. The development of a gyratory crusher model was achieved in the following three main stages: mathematical representation and coding of
Both gyratory crusher and jaw crusher can be used as coarse crushing machinery. Compared with the two, the advantages of gyratory crusher are: the crushing process is carried out continuously along the circular crushing chamber, so the production capacity is large, the unit power consumption is low, the work is stable, suitable for crushing
Type Primary Gyratory Crusher Model No. / Size CG810i / 42" x 63" CG820i / 54” x 75” CG830i / 60” x 89” CG850i / 61” x 106” Motor power, kW 315 525 660 950
A Gyratory Crusher Model and Impact Parameters Related to Energy Consumption. Minerals and Metallurgical Processing. Dragan Komljenovic. Vladislav Kecojevic. Download Download PDF. Full PDF Package Download Full PDF Package. This Paper. A short summary of this paper.
The power consumption of a 42-inch gyratory crusher is approximately 2.4 tons per horsepower-hour (2.9 t/kWh). Source: Arthur Taggart Power consumption of a jaw crusher when idling is about 50% of full load, for a gyratory it is approximately 30%.
What is features of Gyratory Crusher ? 1. continuous in action 2. fluctuations in stresses are smaller 3. load on the motor is nearly uniform 4. power consumption per ton of material crushed is smaller and 5. requires less maintenance than a jaw crusher. • Since the capital cost of this crusher is high, it is suitable only where large
Therefore, the crushing process of iron ore by a gyratory crusher is taken as the specific analysis object, in this paper, and the DEM simulation method is used to analyse the performances of the crushing chamber (productivity, discharge granularity, maximum crushing force, and power consumption), and the influence of the shape for the concave
The gyratory crushers The electric power consumption by this process run on ore mining and processing enterprises is variously estimated as a value from 5 to 20% of overall world electric
With a production rate and flow that are equal, the power consumed by a gyratory crusher is similar to a jaw crusher. Cone crusher It functions according to the same kinetic principles as a gyratory crusher , but instead of being suspended, the nut is supported at its base.
Crusher Vision is an automated closed side setting system for gyratory crushers that measures the gap between the concave and mantle. Crusher Vision has developed patented novel technology that offers the mining sector the opportunity to increase throughput, decrease maintenance costs, decrease power consumption and greatly reduces the safety concerns by implementing a system for non
In large quarries, gyratory crushers are often used as primary crushers. But the cone crusher is used as secondary and tertiary crushing more often and often used in sand plants and mines. The cone crusher has the characteristics of high efficiency, high crushing ratio, low power consumption, and uniform product.
While power consumption at nominal capacity ranged between 200 and 500 kilowatts the high energy efficiency of the ERC was evident in its power consumption of 0.1 to 0.2 kilowatts per hour over time.
A gyratory crusher has two crushing shells (4, 5) defining between them a crushing gap (6). In operation, the crushing gap is adjusted as a function of the determined crushing-shell wear calculated on the basis of reference data on the established rate of wear of the crushing shells (4, 5) in previous crushing operations involving the same or a similar raw material.
Power Consumption To compute the power consumption of gyratory crushers, knowledge of the ore work index and … how gyratory crusher works – Crusher South Africa how a gyratory crusher works | Crusher Solutions …